Wuhu Gov Home







INTERNATIONAL - Bowser pushes revolutionary campaign in Mushroom Kingdom - 01/07/2023

INTERNATIONAL - Wuhuan Forces push to outer regions of the Mushroom Kingdom - 23/06/2023

INTERNATIONAL - Mushroom Kingdom Launches assault on Isle Delfino - 04/10/2022

Wuhuans warned of film glorifying Toadstool war criminals - 03/10/2022

INTERNATIONAL - Mushroom Kingdom allegedly begins invasion on Robloxia - 05/08/2022

INTERNATIONAL - Wuhuan Citizen arrested by Mushroom Kingdom at a checkpoint for spying allegations - 04/08/2022

US President Joe Biden met with protest at Wuhu Docks - 03/08/2022

INTERNATIONAL - Bodies found in underground cave network in LEGO OT - 29/07/2022

US President Joe Biden carries out state visit to Wuhu Island - 29/07/2022

INTERNATIONAL - Mushroom Kingdom Invades LEGO City - 26/06/2022

Norville Rogers carries out visit to Isle Delfino - 25/06/2022

President Edgeworth Delivers statement in regards to Matt Mii Case - 25/06/2022

INTERNATIONAL - Bullet Bill Launched into crowd at Luigi's Circuit - 24/06/2022

Ivo Robotnik announces plans for mass manufacture of automobiles - 17/06/2022

WIASO Conducts crash testing on Mushroom Kingdom Imports - 14/06/2022

Wuhu GDP surpasses that of the Mushroom Kingdom - 21/10/2021